Monday, February 23, 2009

If you want a Baby and a Sex Life - Avoid Soy !

If you want a Baby and a Sex Life - Avoid Soy !

Men who ate even a little bit of soy based food products had dramatically lower sperm counts than those that didn't !

The men in the study were patients at a male fertility clinic who couldn't get their partners pregnant. Scientists tracked their eating habits for six years and found that eating as little as four ounces of tofu or drinking a single cup of soy milk every other day caused men's sperm counts to plummet.

Why? Soy contains plant chemicals that mimic female hormones (estrogens) that can lower sex drive and sperm counts, increase chest fat (male breasts), and cause prostate problems.

Did you know that Buddhist monks would eat soy to curb their libido?

Soy Products include: tofu, natto, tempeh, soy milk, soybean oil, soy flour, miso soup, soy burgers, and energy bars.

SOURCE: july 29, 2008 article, Harvard School of Public Health study by Jorge Chavarro