Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chiropractic and ear infections

In this study, ear infections were found to recur more often if the child was originally treated with amoxicillin (an antibiotic). The researchers found that acute otitis media (middle ear infection) recurred in 63% (47/75) of children in the amoxicillin group compared to 43% (37/86) of the children in the placebo group. The authors write, “This is another argument for judicious use of antibiotics in children with acute otitis media.” (6)

This is another reason to bring your child in for chiropractic care especially if he/she has ear infections. Many clinical reports and studies have praised the drug-free, non-surgical chiropractic success with ear infections in children.

For example, in one study of 211 infants, examined 5 days after birth, who suffered from vomiting, hyperactivity and sleeplessness, chiropractic care frequently resulted in the immediate cessation of crying, muscular relaxation and sleepiness. The authors, who are medical doctors, wrote that an unhealthy spine "causes many clinical features from central motor impairment to lower resistance to infections – especially ear, nose and throat infections." They assert that all newborns should have their spines checked by chiropractors as "the success of adjustment overshadows every other type of [care]." (7)

6. Bezáková N et al. Recurrence up to 3.5 years after antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media in very young Dutch children: survey of trial participants. British Medical Journal. 2009;338:b2525.
7. Gutman G. Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in babies and infants. Manuelle Med. 1987;25:5-10.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scoliosis, ADD, migraines and chiropractic

Scoliosis, attention deficit disorder, migraines.

This is the case of a 7-year-old girl born with right side facial paralysis (from a difficult birth), scoliosis, attention deficit disorder, difficulty concentrating, vomiting and light sensitivity from intense migraine headaches since the age of 2. Her parents brought her in for chiropractic care and subluxation correction was initiated. Along with improvement of her subjective complaints such as migraines, difficulty concentrating and light sensitivity, after just one month of care X-rays revealed a 62% improvement in scoliosis. (3)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Do YOU know all the conditions that chiropractic can help?

Chiropractic and headaches. Patients received adjustments once or twice per week for 8 weeks. While everyone who received care benefited, those who received more adjustments had the best outcomes with as much as a 50% improvement in pain. (4)

Chiropractic and dizziness. This study was designed to see if chiropractic care can affect balance, chronic pain and associated dizziness in older adults. Thirty-four (34) patients were enrolled in either a non-chiropractic care group or a chiropractic care group. Assessments were made at baseline and 1, 2, 6 and 12 months later.

For the 9 patients with dizziness, a clinically significant improvement in Dizziness Handicap Index scores was observed at 1 month and remained lower than baseline thereafter; this was not true of the group who did not receive chiropractic care. (5)

Chiropractic and motor and vocal tics. A 20-year-old woman began experiencing motor and vocal tics at the age of three. She had never taken medication for Tourette’s Sydrome, but had tried to control it by taking magnesium and calcium supplements. Chiropractic care was administered after initial exam revealed disturbances to the nervous system resulting from vertebral subluxations that were found using chiropractic analysis. The patient was seen 32 times over the course of one year and experienced significant decreases in the occurrence and severity of her motor and vocal tic episodes as well as an improvement in headaches. (6)

4. Haas M, Spegman A, Peterson D et al. Dose response and efficacy of spinal manipulation for chronic cervicogenic headache: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Spine J. 2010;10(2):117-128.

5. Hawk C, Cambron JA, Pfefer TE. A pilot study of the effect of a limited and extended course of chiropractic care on balance, chronic pain and dizziness in older adults. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32:438-447.

6. Stone-McCoy P, Muhlenkamp K. Reduction of motor and vocal tics in a female undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health – Chiropractic. 2009;3:1-6.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chiropractic & shoulder, arm, hand problems

Neuritis, bursitis, neuralgia, rheumatism, frozen shoulder, fibrositis, sprains, strains, “poor circulation” and rotator cuff problems are some of the terms used to describe shoulder, arm and hand conditions.

Don’t blame joint problems on “old age” – you have many other joints (and organs) that are just as old that have no problems.

Whenever there’s a problem always look for imbalances and interferences preventing the body from functioning and healing. When it comes to the shoulder, arm and hand the nerves that make up the brachial plexus should always be checked for interference caused by subluxations.

Subluxations are distortions in body structure. They can be caused by injuries such as falls, sports mishaps, car accidents, emotional stress, fatigue and sleeping in an awkward position. Even birth stress could cause subluxations that can affect the arms, shoulders and hands.

Which nerves?

Depending on which nerves are damaged there may be muscle weakness, neck pain or stiffness, shoulder, arm, wrist, hand or finger pain. Sometimes there’s numbness, sometimes there’s pain and numbness and sometimes there are odd sensations (“pins and needles”). (1-2)

Many other conditions

Because of the complicated way nerves interrelate, headache; migraine; facial pain; dizziness; limited, painful or stiff motion of the head and neck; throat conditions; thyroid and nasal problems; epilepsy and even lower back pain have been reported as a result of neck or brachial nerve plexus irritation. (3)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS symptoms include tingling and numbness in the hand, fingers and wrist; pain so intense that it awakens you at night and similar symptoms in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder or neck. “Faulty enervation caused by spinal joint lesions is one of the main factors in the production of wrist swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, [and] tennis elbow.” (4-5)

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractic’s success with shoulder, arm, wrist and hand problems is well documented, (6-10) even though chiropractic is really not a “treatment” for those problems.

Your doctor of chiropractic is specially trained to locate and correct subluxations. Unless corrected, subluxations in your body can cause or contribute to many health conditions and prevent or interfere with the normal healing process.

After your chiropractor has located your subluxations he or she will “adjust” or correct them. This will release structural and nerve pressure and help restore the healthy flow of nerve impulses between your brain and your body parts and help rebalance your system.


1. Ide M, Ide J, Yamaga M, Takagi K. Symptoms and signs of irritation of the brachial plexus in whiplash injuries. J Bone Joint Surg. 2001;83-B:226-229.

2. Miller JD, Pruitt S, McDonald TJ. Acute brachial plexus neuritis: an uncommon cause of shoulder pain. Am Fam Physician. 2000;62:2067-2072.

3. Ferrante M. Brachial plexopathies: classification, causes, and consequences. Muscle Nerve. 2004;30:547.

4. Russell BS. Carpal tunnel syndrome and the "double crush" hypothesis: a review and implications for chiropractic. Chiropractic & Osteopathy. 2008;16(2):1186.

5. Bourdillon JF. Spinal Manipulation (3rd ed.). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1984:207, 210-211, 219-224.

6. De Franca GG, Levine IJ. The T-4 syndrome. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995;18:34-37.

7. Polkingorn BS. Chiropractic treatment of frozen shoulder syndrome (adhesive capsulitis) utilizing mechanical force, manually assisted short lever adjusting procedures. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1995;18:105-115.

8. Ferguson LW. Treating shoulder dysfunction and “frozen shoulders.” Chiropractic Technique. 1995;7:73-81.

9. Sobel JS, Winters JC, Groenier K, Arendzen JH, Meyboom de Jong B. Comparison of physiotherapy, manipulation, and corticosteroid injection for treating shoulder complaints in general practice: randomized, single blind study. British Medical Journal. 1997;314:1320-1325.

10. Davis PT, Hulbert JR, Kassak KM et al. Comparative efficacy of conservative medical and chiropractic treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1998;21(5):317-326.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is Sciatica?

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body. When such a large nerve becomes inflamed the condition is called sciatica (pronounced si'ad-a'ka) and the pain can be intense! The pain may follow the path of your nerve – down the back of your legs and thighs, down to your ankle, foot and toes – but it can also radiate to your back with burning, pins and needles or tingling. Ugh!

Causes of sciatica can include an unhealthy spine with a protruded or ruptured disc which can irritate the sciatic nerve. Sciatica has been reported following accidents, injuries and childbirth. (1)

The medical approach to sciatica is usually to treat the symptoms with painkillers, muscle relaxers, traction and physical therapy. Relief may be obtained by injecting painkillers directly into the nerve roots! In extreme cases orthopedic surgery may be resorted to.

The chiropractic approach has been a blessing to sciatica and leg pain sufferers for over a hundred years (2-3) often saving them from surgery. (4-6)

All sciatica sufferers should see a doctor of chiropractic to ensure they have a body free from subluxations. A subluxation causes structural distortions, disc and nerve pressure and may stress the entire body and brain! Chiropractors correct or adjust subluxations to relieve stress on the structure, nerves, joints and discs.

If you do have sciatica, from whatever cause, a chiropractic adjustment is needed to remove pressure on your nerves, rebalance your spine and body structure, release stress from your discs and permit your body's muscles, glands and tissues to function in a more balanced manner.

Every sciatica sufferer should visit their neighborhood doctor of chiropractic for a checkup. It could save them from needless drugs, injections and surgery.

1. Fonti S, Lynch M. Etiopathogenesis of lumbosciatalgia due to disc disease; chiropractic treatment. In J. Mazzarelli (Ed.), Chiropractic: Interprofessional Research. Torino, Italy: Edizioni Minerve Medica, 1983:59-68.
2. Johnson EW. Sciatic nerve palsy following delivery. Postgrad. Med. 1961;30(5):495-497.
3. Barge FH. The chiropractic vertebral subluxation and its relationship to vertebrogenic lumbar pain, cruralgia and sciatic syndromes. Chiropractic Research Journal. 1995;3(2):25-39.
4. Livingston M. Spinal manipulation: a one year follow-up study. The Canadian Family Physician. July 1969:35-39.
5. Mathews JA et al. Back pain and sciatica: controlled trials of manipulation, traction, sclerosant and epidural injections. British Journal of Rheumatology. 1987;26:416-423.
6. Osterbauer PJ, Fuhr AW. Treatment of chronic sciatica by mechanical force, manually assisted, short lever adjusting and a video assisted stretching program: a quantitative case report. Proceedings of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research Conference on Research and Education, 1992. Palm Springs, CA.